SEM Services / Remarketing

Remarketing is a form of SEM marketing that allows the positioning of Targeted Ads to pursue customers who left your website with no enquiry or purchase. Let Big SEM formulate, test and analyse your Ad campaign.

Pursue Your Customer

Branding is key with re-marketing, as it a highly cost effective method for brand exposure to visitors who have been interested enough to visit at least once. You only pay for click throughs but with visual branding on advertisements, brand exposure is still very high for very low cost. Also familiarity, or brand recognition is often a pre-cursor to purchasing so the first time a visitor enters your website they may just be researching.

Sales theory allows that 80% of sales require up to 5 follow up calls prior to closing. In a similar way by reminding previous visitors of your brand and offering you are exponentially more likely to result in a sale.

Remarketing also allows for different ads to be issued after different ‘triggers’. A milestone such as a user starting a video, a different one for watching past 2/3rds, or for going to a particular landing page etc allows for specific ads to be created and sent for each trigger.

This allows a highly relevant message to be sent to the user and if crafted correctly can greatly assist in wooing customers back to your site, mailing list or other point of contact.

Optimisation of Remarketing comes in a few different forms.

Click Here for assistance in optimising your remarketing campaign.